When TNA debuted on Spike TV in October 2006 we all had high hopes for the up and coming company, finally there was someone for the WWE to compete with (or at least steal story lines). Sadly that’s not that case since October 2006 TNA has not improved all they do is scoop up dozens of WCW and WWE rejects and for what, the 1.2 rating they get every week? Or is it so that they hope some wrestling fan is going to stop on TNA impact! One night and spot a WWE or WCW reject and say, “hey I remember that guy”.

1. TNA Thinks Decrypt Old Fucks Brings In Money and Ratings

News Flash TNA that is Not Happening. The fact is nobody could give two shits about Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, or Sting or TNA would be getting higher ratings and not 1.1’s or more accurately .8’s. Try originality I hear it’s great.

2. Mike Tenay And Don West Screaming Threw The Whole Show

` These guy are the most annoying Duo I’ve ever heard commentate a wrestling event even more so than Joey Styles and Michael Cole. I think these guys are unbearable on the mic Don West is Screaming the whole time and Mike Tenay tries to explain everything happening even when there nothing going the fuck on. TNA needs new commentators really bad.

3. Low Production Values

If any of you have ever watch TNA you Know that the Product looks like an old Shitty WCW show from 1993 when it was produced on that Disney sound stage. Every thing is wrong wit the TNA set up from the crappy lighting to the circuit green lasers. But what really gets to me is the disgusting looking backstage set up you’d think with their financial backing from Panda the would able to fix up the backstage area.

4. The Theme Songs And Entrance Music

All I can say is who composes that crap? The Music sounds like cat getting raped by a dog (I know I exaggerate but it still sucks).

5. The Matches, Finishes, And Booking

Do TNA Matches have rules? Because I don’t seem to recall that when there is interference in a match there’s no DQ. Also who the fuck booked Kurt Angle to win all the titles? And why is there always in interference in main event Impact! Matches?

These are the top Reasons why TNA still sucks, so I suggest is don’t watch that crap until they get the Message…for now TNA sucks.


  1. Unknown // October 11, 2008 at 1:40 PM  

    Just came across this blog. Wow. You're hopelessly lost in whatever Vince wants you to watch - i.e. slick presentation means more than "JBL is poopy" terrible PG booking. I recently wrote a pro-TNA rant and i'd like it if you can read it.


  2. Unknown // November 22, 2008 at 8:02 PM  

    Clearly you didn't get the intent of the post. Your obviously a TNA Fan, which is ok, but your completely retarded if you think I'm some WWE shill. to be honest i think both companies suck.

  3. Anonymous // January 5, 2010 at 3:41 AM  

    Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  4. Anonymous // February 24, 2011 at 12:21 PM  

    TNA is the biggest waste of air time on all of TV. Boring, stupid characters (Shark Boy and Curry Man???????) The weakest, watered down story lines, lousy production, horrible lighting, entrance music sucks. It's almost like watching an even worse version of WCW. Sorry, but I'll be watching WWE where it's still entertaining.

  5. Mag // September 24, 2014 at 6:52 PM  

    I've been watching wrestling for over 40 years and I see better matches at the local Indy show. I see a lot of botched spots. Poor characters is another problem. Crappy acting by almost the entire roster. TNA needs a serious talent make over. That's just the beginning of there problems. Just think it could be worse, they could bring back Rob Van Dam.