Dan Evensen vs. Patrick Barry
Round 1
K-1 veterans Barry and Evenson enter and look very confident. A very sparse crowd looks on from the seats. Barry circles to his left. Barry throws Evenson down but he gets back up. Hard leg kick from Barry. Evenson clinches and pins him against fence. They are separated by reveree Yves Lavigne. Three thunderous right low kicks by Barry. Evensen takes him down. Barry scrambles back up. Barry lands another huge right low kick. Evensen stumbles to his left. Evensen quits from the low kick. Official time of the TKO is 2:36 of the first.
Ryo Chonan vs. Brad Blackburn
Round 1
Blackburn walks into the Octagon to the perfectly suited "Bad" from Michael Jackson. No moon walk is performed, unfortunately. They exchange kicks to the body. Good combos from Blackburn early; punches and kicks. Loopy left hook glances Chonan's head. Short left hook from Chonan inside. Not much action. Chonan misses a flying knee and falls onto his back. He springs back up. Blackburn with good leg kick, right cross combo. And another. Chonan is pushing the pace but Blackburn is more active. Close round. 10-9 Blackburn.
Round 2
Chonan starts the second round with a head kick but it’s blocked. Chonan slips as he's punched as he falls onto his back. Blackburn pounces. Chonan is let back up after no damage is inflicted. Hard right- and left-handed punches score for Blackburn. Blackburn shoots for a takedown but it’s stuffed. The pace slows considerably. Hard kick to Blackburn's ribs. A leg kick connects for Chonan. And another. The close round goes to Blackburn, 10-9.
Round 3
Left kick to Blackburn's ribs. And another. Blackburn continues to back away to his left. Very little action. Chonan throws a head kick and it’s blocked. And two more, all of which are blocked. Chonan is starting to look desperate. Blackburn is not taking any chances. The crowd is getting restless. Chonan catches a leg but he can't sweep for the takedown. A hard right uppercut rocks Blackburn with 40 seconds left. Blackburn is retreating. A big straight right by Chonan followed by another uppercut. The third frame is all Chonan, 10-9.
All three official judges score the contest 29-28 for Brad Blackburn.
Matt Hamill vs. Reese Andy
Round 1
The fighters trade punches but nothing clean lands. Hamill dumps Andy onto his back. Andy gets up. Left head kick by Hamill but it’s blocked. Good left kick to body from Andy. Andy tries a takedown but is stuffed and caught in a loose guillotine. Hamill lets it go. Left jab by Andy. Gash opens under Hamill's right eye. Very little action. Looping right hand by Andy near bell. 10-9 Hamill.
Round 2
There's a mouse under Andy’s left eye. Good right hand by hamill. A left and right by Hamill. A hard right knee in the clinch from Hamill. Andy is in trouble. Hamill unloads a furious barrage of punches and another knee. Andy takes another knee and falls. Hamill pounces along the fencing, teeing off with punches. Dozens of punches rain down though most are blocked. Hamill takes his opponent’s back and unloads again. Referee Steve Mazzagatti steps in to halt the bout at the 2:19 mark of round two.
Antoni Hardonk vs. Mike Wessel
Round 1
Wessell comes right at Hardonk and pushes him to the floor. Wessell pounces but is sucked into Hardonk's guard. Hardonk secures an armbar. Wessell escapes and scrambles to his feet. They clinch along fence. A series of knees from Hardonk land. Wessell looks tired already. More knees to body and head from Hardonk. Wessell desperately looks for a takedown. Hardonk pulls guard. The action slows considerably and the crowd is booing. Hardonk just misses another armbar. He goes high with his hips in search of a triangle, but the round ends. 10-9 Hardonk.
Round 2
Wessell scores a quick takedown. Hardonk is playing a high offensive guard. Hardonk sneaks out the back door and takes his opponent’s back. He's softening him up with punches. Wessell turtles to avoid the rear-naked choke. Wessell rolls over but is stuck, fully mounted. Hardonk tees off with punches. Wessell rolls back over and eats more punches. Yves Lavigne saves him at 2:09 of the second.
Yushin Okami vs. Dean Lister
Round 1
Lister enters the cage sporting a pre-fight black eye. Lister misses badly with a wild right hook. Lister tries a single-leg, but it is stuffed. Lister is able to pull guard but he can't keep Okami down. Okami lets him up. Okami is dragged to the ground after another single leg. Okami gets back up. A hard left hand by Okami connects. And another. Lister wants the fight down and pulls guard. Lister rolls to rubber guard but nothing unfolds. Okami’s round, 10-9.
Round 2
Head kick by Lister misses and Okami is pinned against the fence. They separate. Left hand by Okami lands. A takedown by Lister is stuffed. Lister lays on his back to try and lure Okami into his guard. The crowd boos. He does it again. More boos. They're up and clinch along fence. Lister pulls guard. Lister applies an omaplata but Okami escapes. Okami lands three hard punches from on top. Lister scrambles out of danger. He tries to pull guard again. Three more hard right hands from Okami connect. The round ends as the arena showers the Octagon with boos. 10-9 Okami.
Round 3
Lister comes out firing, but misses wildly. Lister is trying more takedowns but his shots are telegraphed. Lister tries pulling guard again. Finally he successfully pulls guard, but Okami lands two more right hands. Very tedious fight to watch. The crowd is restless and are begging Referee Herb Dean to stand the fighters. Okami lands a decent right and left. Lister is unable to pull any submissions. Dean stands them. Lister misses badly with looping punches. Lister tries another single leg. It’s stuffed. 10 seconds left and the crowd boos. 10-9 Okami.
All three official judges see the bout 30-27 for Yushin Okami.
Cheick Kongo vs. Mustapha al Turk
Round 1
The fighters exchange jabs to kickoff the heavyweight contest. Kongo catches an al Turk kick and trips him to the canvas. Al Turk drops levels for a takedown, but Kongo defends it well with underhooks. Al Turk switches to a double-leg attempt and then gives it up. The fighters clinch against the fencing and Kongo delivers a knee to the body. Al Turk fires back with a knee, but it’s low. Referee Steve Mazzagatti steps in to give Kongo, who absorbed the strike on his groin protector, a reprieve. Action is resumed and al Turk drops for a single-leg takedown. Kongo stuffs it and blasts al Turk with a knee that lands south of the border. Al Turk is given time to recover. Mazzagatti gathers the fighters and tells them to keep it clean. Kongo drops al Turk with two right hands. Kongo pounces with elbows and punches, opening up a huge gash over the right eye. Referee Steve Mazzagatti finally saves al Turk after a savage beating at 4:37 of the first. The stoppage should have come quicker. The gash is about as bad as anything you’ll see in MMA. Starting from above the eye, it follows a jagged path well into the hairline.
Wanderlei Silva vs. Quinton Jackson
Wanderlei Silva enters the Octagon to the sounds of Darude’s“Sandstorm,” the theme he used for years in the Pride fighting championships. Quinton Jackson follows as WEC bantamweight champion Miguel Torres snaps a picture with his cellphone as “Rampage” passes.
Round 1
Jackson storms forward and takes the center of the cage. Jackson lands a left straight and a right hand. Silva loads up on a right hand that is blocked by Jackson’s left glove. Silva goes to work on Jackson’s lead leg with a low kick. “Rampage” drops down for a takedown, but Silva is game. He sprawls on it and lands two low kicks. Jackson catches a low kick attempt but loses his balance trying to take the Brazilian down. Jackson knocks Silva out cold with a left hook counter punch. Jackson unnecessarily nailed his fallen foe with three right hands to the face as referee Yves Lavigne pulled him off at the 3:21 mark of round one.
CB Dollaway vs. Mike Massenzio
Round 1
Dollaway attacks Massenzio’s body with a kick. Massenzio, whose left knee is heavily bandaged, appears to be slow in his movement around the Ocatgon. Massenzio hurts Dollaway with a right hand. Dollaway is hurt and is forced to fend off a tight guillotine choke.
Dollaway escapes and then has to defend a Massenzio triangle choke attempt. Dollaway gets out of danger and moves to side control. To mount goes Dollaway. He punches the head, forcing Massenzio to give up his back. Dollaway flattens out Massenzio and cracks the head with both hands until referee Yves Lavigne steps in at 3:01 of the opening frame.
Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs. Frank Mir
Round 1
Mir fires a head kick that misses. Mir goes to the inside of Nogueira’s front leg with a low kick. Mir is picking Nogueira apart with punches and kicks early. Mir trips Nogueira to the mat and enters his guard. Mir stands and invites “Minotauro” to follow. Mir blasts Nogueira with an uppercut and another low kick. The pace slows a bit as Mir appears to tire. Nogeuria takes the center of the cage looking fresh with his jab. Mir drops Nogueira to the canvas with a right hand. Mir pounces but patiently stands back to his feet once Nogueira had recovered. To the body with a knee and a left kick goes Mir. Nogueira gets off with his hands for the first time in the bout. Mir scores another knockdown with a right hand at the sound of the bell.
Round 2
Mir attacks with a flurry of punches that come up short. Nogueira answers with a stiff low kick to Mir’s right leg. Mir’s lateral movement is good as he bounces on his toes, moving away from Nogueira’s power. Frank Mir steps forward in the pocket and and puts Noqueira down with two left hooks. Mir finishes the Brazilian with punches on the floor.
Forrest Griffin vs. Rashad Evans
Round 1
Griffin stalks the challenger around the cage, but Rashad connects first with a left hand. Grffin misses on a low kick. Griffin loads up a right hand that nearly connects. Griffin lands a low kick and a foot to the body. Evans returns the favor with a hard low kick of his own. The champion throws three jabs but they all fall short of their target. Griffin abandons his jab with a punching flurry and is cracked with a straight right to the ribs and a low kick. The champion again goes at Evans’ left leg with a kick. Evans switches to a southpaw stance to avoid punishment on the leg. He switches back to orthodox and gets the best of a punching exchange. A hard body punch prompts Griffin to take a deep breath.
Round 2
Griffin takes the center of the cage and moves toward Evans. Griffin lands a low kick and a right hand. Griffin gets busy from the Thai clinch with knees to the chin and body. Evans eats a punch and then taunts the champion by blowing a kiss and then touching his athletic cup. Evans, still smiling, absorbs another low kick to his left leg. And two more. Griffin is scoring big with his low kicks. The challenger attempts to kick back but his balance has been affected by the abuse to his legs. Evans connects with a clean straight counter right to the chin. Griffin shakes it off and stays busy with kicks and punches from the outside. A hard right from the champion closes the period.
Round 3
Griffin slips during an exchange and is forced to work from his back. Evans pounds away with punches from both hands as referee Steve Mazzagatti looks on closely. Griffin hangs on and recovers enough to attempt a triangle choke and an omaplata. Evans lands five hard right hands from the top position that hurt the champion. Evans pours it on with left-handed power shots until Griffin taps out from the abuse. Rashad Evans claims the UFC light heavyweight title at 2:46 of the third round.
UFC 92 Results - Frank MIr Dominates!
Posted by The Wrestling Guru | 2:24 AM | 92, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueria, Forrest Griffin, Frank Mir, Rashad Evans, UFC | 0 comments »
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